FALL Women's Conference

Saturday • November 4  • 9AM-3PM | Tabernacle

"...set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him..." | Ephesians 1:9-10

Join us in a one-day conference with Chandra Oliver, a PCA women’s ministry trainer, as we explore the biblical foundations of God’s covenant, the church, and womanhood. 

Our goal is practical: to equip and empower YOU to respond to God’s calling in your unique role as a woman in his kingdom. 

Student price: $25

Adult price: $35

Register for Women's Conference

Please contact  Address Card  Tab Women's Ministry with questions.

To learn more about Chandra, see her bio below...

About The PResenter...

Chandra Oliver is originally from Oklahoma, and now lives in North Carolina with her husband, Matthew, an Army Chaplain at Fort Bragg.

Chandra’s initial experience with women’s ministry was shortly after the church plant they attended became a particular church in the PCA. In 2004, Matthew was ordained as a ruling elder and Chandra was asked to help establish the women’s ministry at Christ the King PCA in Norman, OK. At a complete loss as to where to start, Chandra attended the PCA’s Women’s Leadership Training in Atlanta. 

Leadership Training was a first taste of a Biblical understanding of womanhood. As her love for women’s ministry grew, she accepted the position of PresWIC president for the North Texas Presbytery, and later served as a regional advisor for women’s ministry in the PCA.

In 2011, Matthew graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary and was ordained as a teaching elder in the PCA, with a specific call as a chaplain to the U.S. Army. With this calling, many things have changed for the Olivers, however, Chandra continues to serve on the PCA Women’s Ministry Team as a trainer and as an at-large advisor for military spouses. 

This new season of ministry has led Chandra to work with military wives to apply the rich truths of Biblical Womanhood to the context of military life.