Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His Name together | Psalm 34:3
Welcome to Women's Ministry
Welcome to Women's Ministry
Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His Name together | Psalm 34:3
Glorifying God by building relationships
Tab Women's Ministry seeks to glorify God by strengthening our personal walks with Christ and by building relationships between women in our congregation.
We want every woman to know Christ personally and be committed to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community and throughout the world.
Please contact Address Card Tab Women's Ministry with questions.
Ongoing Ministry Opportunities
Women's Support Team
If you are a woman in need of someone to walk alongside you as you wrestle with something difficult or painful in your life, please contact the Women's Support Team at wst@tab-pres.org.
These women have been approved by the Session and have been trained to help you navigate the trials you face. To get connected with a woman from this group, talk with one of the elders or the support team.
Meals Ministry
We love to support one another during times of acute need and hardship.
For more information and to get involved, check out Meals Ministry
Upcoming Events
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Meet our leaders
Click each section to get acquainted with the women's ministry leadership:
Becky Elkins
Director of Women's Ministry
Becky was born and raised in Waynesboro. She became a member of our Tab family in 2013 with her husband, Steve, and 4 children. Active for many years as a home-schooling mom, she originally served Tab for some years in Youth Ministry and still enjoys spending time sharing the love of Christ with our young members.
God called her officially to Women’s Ministry in 2018. Becky’s greatest joy is family but her family extends quite easily and naturally beyond the biological ties God has given her. In recent years, she has grown more enthusiastic about studying God’s holy and inspired Word, especially in communion with other Tab women, but you might also find her serving others on short-term mission trips or discovering Gospel truths in the garden or in the kitchen on any given day. Indeed, her excitement for exploration and discovery includes scuba-diving and bee-keeping as well as intimate conversations with close friends and new acquaintances.
Currently, Becky is studying Genesis using Jen Wilkins’ God of Covenant guide and audio commentary. She also has active bookmarks in Melissa Kruger’s Growing Together, Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly, Hannah Anderson’s All That’s Good, and Tish Harrison Warren’s Liturgy of the Ordinary. When she has time, she also tries to listen when God calls her to “mother” her now all nearly adult children and one lovely daughter-in-law. She is “Mom” to Sam (and Selena), Will, Max and Alice. Her husband is her best friend and trustworthy partner but she also considers herself blessed by the Lord with many close friends, mentors and prayer partners as she endeavors to glorify God in her life.
Often when she prays for the women at Tab, she prays this prayer: “Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!” Psalm 34:3
Daza Craig
Daza grew up in Houston Texas in a Christian home. She made a profession of faith at the age of eight and was baptized. She married her high school sweetheart, Jack, and he served in both the Coast Guard and the Navy for over 20 years. During that time, she and her family moved 13 times and had three children born in Japan, Colorado and Russia. Trained as a librarian, she worked almost 30 years in medical, engineering, school and public libraries.
She has been a member of Tabernacle for 11 years.
She has a great desire for women to grow in their Christian walk and in relationship with one another in the Body of Christ. This year she has had the privilege of participating in both the Hebrews and James Bible studies at Tabernacle.
Her hobbies include reading, traveling, gardening and cross stitching. She just finished reading The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby and recommends it highly for its survey of the history of the white and black church in America. Recently retired, she hopes soon to make some trips to Hawaii, Australia, and Iceland with her husband of fifty years. She and Jack live just outside of Waynesboro on thirty acres and enjoy growing their own vegetables and grapes. Her 93-year-old mother lives in a cottage nearby and shares in family life.
Her life verse is Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteous; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Cindy Jones
Cindy and her husband, Chris, joined our church in 2019, because they loved Tabernacle’s solid Bible teaching and its passion to serve others. They have three adult sons, Charlie, Colin and Caleb, and a daughter-in-law, Ashleigh.
Cindy grew up in Maine, but started her family in Chris’s home state of Connecticut. The Jones family moved to Stuarts Draft thirteen years ago and absolutely love the beauty of the Shenandoah Valley.
Cindy has been a teacher for over thirty years and currently teaches fifth grade language arts, history, and Bible at Grace Christian School. She enjoys art, reading, gardening, playing guitar, and caring for her dogs and cat.
Sharing Christ’s love through prayer and service to others is central to Cindy’sfaith. She finds the inspiration to step out of her comfort zone through 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, loveand self-control. “
She is excited to promote local and global missions through her work on the Women’s Ministry Committee.
Kara Mongold
Kara has lived in the Shenandoah Valley her whole life. She became a member of Tabernacle along with her husband Brian in 2005. Kara and Brian celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary this past December. They have two adult children, Garrett and Ella, who are also members of Tabernacle.
Kara taught in various roles in public school as an elementary educator, a reading specialist, and an instructor for adult ESL students for sixteen years. She homeschooled her children for seven years.
Currently, Kara is using her gifts and talents of organization, attention to detail, and love for people to serve as office manager for Love In The Name of Christ. Kara is humbled to serve alongside an amazing staff at Love INC and blessed to work with churches in our community committed to serving our neighbors in need. Kara has a new understanding of the power of prayer, and God’s power to equip his people for his work.
Kara’s hobbies include running, tandem biking with Brian, hiking, cooking, and reading. Kara is finishing the book The True Woman by Susan Hunt. She and Brian also complete the daily Bible reading Seeing Jesus Together.
She is excited to encourage women to study God’s Word and to grow relationally through women’s Bible studies at Tabernacle.
Carol Pantuck
Carol grew up in New Jersey as a beach lover but headed to the Midwest for college. Shortly after graduating from Wheaton College in Illinois, she moved to Philadelphia and met her husband Ron at Tenth Presbyterian Church where they shared a common love for the preaching of their favorite expositor, Dr. James Boice, whose teaching planted in her a love for Reformed Theology.
She and Ron have been married for 47 years and raised their four children in the Boston suburbs. They currently have four grandchildren but are hoping for a few more!
With a love of homemaking and hospitality, Carol has primarily been at home with her children, but has enjoyed a variety of interests outside the home including volunteering in the church and community. A great joy has been hosting missionaries who have become dear friends. She also loves reading all kinds of books, music, gardening, sewing, hiking, swimming and studying the Word.
In their retirement years, Ron and Carol have been privileged to travel and enjoy making plans to visit new places. Highlights of each summer include family reunions at Capon Springs WV and “Grandparents Camp” when she relishes free rein with her favorite kids and together they enjoy fun outings, science experiments, cooking and digging into God’s Word.
A verse that has long been a guide and solace is Psalm 119:105, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path.”
Stephanie Whitehill
Stephanie Whitehill is a wife, mother, and photographer living in downtown Waynesboro, the “Tree Streets”. She and her husband, David, are passionate about maintaining an open door at their house, affectionately called the “Pink Palace” for its lovely salmon hue. Most days Stephanie can be found at home taking care of their two young, energetic boys, Sam and Miles.
When not managing life at the “Pink Palace”, Stephanie loves hiking in the beautiful mountains surrounding the Shenandoah Valley, which often feature in her professional portrait photographs. Stephanie deeply enjoys fellowship with God in creation and reflects His creative nature in the kitchen too, baking (and eating) many things, but especially breads, scones, and muffins. Together, she and David enjoy gathering people together in their home, loving them through food and fellowship and friendship.
Indeed, her role in Women’s Ministry at Tab focuses on the fellowship of the saints as she actively organizes “events” to gather us together. They joined our church family in 2017. An introvert at heart, Stephanie knows the value of building authentic community and friendships with those that God has placed in her life. After reading The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield, she is confident that God will give her rest when she needs it, and the strength to pursue those around her in love, with open arms.
Matthew 25:31-40 challenges her to rethink what Biblically loving others really means.
A Prayer for Spring
LORD, thank you for the way that Springs points to the new life made possible through the sacrifice of Jesus. Thank you that His death was not the end of the story, but He was victorious over death that we may have new life and new mercies every morning.
Father, when the weather is up and down from one day to the next, we are thankful that You are steadfast and unchanging both now and forever.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with hope and motivation to walk in Your ways as we step out into the Spring sunshine.
Lord Jesus, help us to trust You in this season.
Try something New
Morning Glory Muffins
- 18 muffins -
2 cups flour
¾ cup sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. salt
1 cup grated apple
2 cups grated carrots
½ cup raisins
½ cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans suggested)
½ cup coconut
3 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2 tsp. vanilla
Zest from one orange
The following resources have been an encouragement to women in our church. If you have books, Bible studies, podcasts or other resources to recommend contact the Address Card Tab Women's Ministry.
Habits of Grace
by David Mathis
bookmark Available to borrow from church
The covenantal life
by Sarah Ivill
bookmark Available to borrow from church
Instruments in the redeemer's hands
by Paul David Tripp
bookmark Available to borrow from church
Is it my fault?
by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb
Is it Abuse?
by Darby Strickland
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